This past weekend I torn down the dog house/playhouse/grill and it was a tough job. I used my heavy duty steel mallet. It had two rows of bricks all the way around it and in the middle of the front part was fire bricks, so it must have been a grill at one point. Then someone turned it into a dog house. Then another family used it as a play house and added the top part. I didn't have any use for it and wanted it down so I tore it down.

Starting to attack it after bring down the wood part on top. The wood part was easy.

The top of the dog house/grill had a very thick top of concrete. All you could do is just hit it as hard as you can.

Afterward with it brought down. I was a little sore, mainly my fingers. And surprisingly their was a lot of spiders between the bricks.

Now I have to load them on the trailer and take them to the dump. These are all the bricks I'm not keeping because they are broken. I am keeping numerous bricks that I had already moved to try and build a fire pit with them.