
Took down the small fence. I'm going to put t back up at the end before adding plants.

I got my weedeater out and trimmed the area out to get a idea of the area.

Then I tilled up all the area that is going to be a new flower bed. I seems to be great soil in that area. Also I made sure to go out enough so when rain comes off the carport it will go into the flower bed, which means less watering I have to do

New flower bed

Filled even with dirt

I'm not 100% sure what I am going to plant but I am mainly thinking about tulips, then planting other plants there so each season a new plant will come up and keep having color all years. I also might add pumpkin seed their to grow my own pumpkins.
Updated finishing planter. I have added dirt, mulch, 3 rows of bulbs, 1 row should come up then the next and then the next to give a spring to fall color each and every year.
Took down the small rails and add 3 long planters. I will most likely just put annuls in but I think it looks better.

Added mulch and the you can see the Iris are come up quickly.

I added some broken solar lights that I put dirt in and I will put some small plants that will give a little extra color during the spring-fall time. It is basically done. Then during the summer I am going to try and grow pumpkins in the planter.

This is the summertime look. Making the planter a little wider so the water above drips into it really helped the flowers grow.