I replaced the flapper last year, had a slow leak, and fixed that problem. Then over time I could hear the fill valve when it was filling up the toilet. I figured it was a matter or time until it failed. So as I looked into replacing it I saw something new that I thought was interesting. It was a new fill valve system with a new smart flush design. It cost a little more but I figured what the hell. I took out the old guts of the toilet and I first added the new quick fill valve which fills the tank quicker then the older one. It also comes with a pipe that goes down the length of the tank and shoots water in from below and the traditional top. That design helps it clean the inside of the tank which help keep the toilet bowl cleaner. Then I added the new smart flush flapper. Instead of the normal handle flush this has a button you push and the button is split. You push one part for a half flush (liquids) and the other part is a full flush (solids). I thought that part will be nice for if I have people over the toilet can keep up. The half flush means it is ready for two flush right away and the quick fill valve fills up the toilet quicker. So you almost could just have one person after another after another after another and not have to wait for the toilet to fill up. I thought it was neat.
Old parts of the toilet

New parts in the toilet. You can see the brown discolored area on the inside of the tank. The new fill valve has cleaned that out a whole lot.

Button you use vs the old school handle.