All the concrete areas needed to be cleaned badly. I pressure washed all the concrete front and back
Front area being cleaned

Front Porch Cleaned


Back Patio Area Being Cleaned. You Can Guess The Dirty and Clean Area

I recently went and bought new patio furniture. I bought a swing that you can lay the back part down and lay down on it. Also I got a small table with 4 chairs.
Small Table and Chairs


I started to work on the fire pit. I'm not sure what to do with the top part or if I want to go back and put mortar on the bricks to make then not move at all. I might just so a small child runs into it.

Beginning of making the firepit

First two rows put up

Third row going up

Third row going up

First Design up

First Design up

The patio is pretty square and I wasn't as fond as the rectangle shape so I moved the bricks around and made it more square. I think it looks better.

New Design

Now trying to decide on a top part

Changed the Firepit layout to a round circle and not a square

I wanted to add some lighting but I wasn't sure how so I decided on rope lighting and I got about 48 ft of rope lighting at Lowes and it puts on more light then I thought. I do have about 3-4 ft extra at the end near the street side so I'm not sure what to do with it. I might undo the lighting on the front part (where you are looking at it), and make a up and down like a wave pattern. Not sure yet.
The new rope lighting (lights aren't that bright)

The new rope lighting

The new rope lighting (lights aren't that bright)


After (as to date June 09)

I just got done doing some things to he patio and here are a couple of changes.
Changed the Firepit layout to a round circle and not a square

Patio Looking out to street

Patio now looking in from street (recently add the new flower planter on right corner)
