I had to put it in a spot that does get a little in the way of me getting to my trailers, but I think I have that figured out. I am going to try and make the one stake able to be pulled out. Maybe add a pvc pipe in the ground so I can slide the pin in and out when I need to drive over the area. I could have moved it closer to the gate to for function of the yard, but then it wouldn't be even to the carport and would look odd from the backyard. So I went with lining it up to the middle of the carport. I also could have moved it out away from the carport more, and still might, but I lined it up in the middle of the gate and big planter on the right side. If I move it out then it wouldn't be in the middle, and if you have ever played horseshoes they sometimes like to roll. I didn't want the rolling horseshoe to run into the big planter and crack a piece of wood or run over a plant.

I went over the ground with my tiller to get all the grass and weeds out of the area. Also to dig a little bit so I can add plenty of sand.

I marked out the areas with flags to see judge the areas first

Cleaned out

I added some trash bag liners to the dirt and then put the sand on top. That way it should help keep weeds from growing in it.

I still have to design the wooden box around it. I might get 1x4s and just lay them flat on the ground and make a box that is just 1inch tall and 4inches wide. That way you can see the box look, but not have to come off the ground much. Also having the wood on the ground should help when a truck drives over it that it would break. It easy to replace when needed.
I didn't like where the horseshoe pits were. I thought they seemed a little to close to the carport hangover. So I moved them out a little more. Then on one cold day that I had off work I went out and dug up all the dirt for the new area.
Dug out dirt

I used some 4x4s I had and made a wooden frame. I used 4x4s because I think they can hold up better to a vehicle driving over them then a 1x4 that might break pretty easily or move. The inside measurements is what the official horseshoe pit should be. I used 4 8inch lag screws to help keep the frame from moving. Mainly the pit closest to the street where I will have to drive across it to get to the trailers. That is another reason I put the frames in the ground and not above the ground.

I filled in the sides with dirt. I pout enough in at first to keep them from moving easily and I ran string all the way across from each pit to make sure they are square to each other.

From this pic you can see the left pit very well but the right side you can see how it is flush with the ground. They dont stand out as much. Ideally above ground would be better looking but I would lose function of getting to the trailers. You have to design with what you have.

I just need to hammer the post in the ground now.
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