Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Butterfly House

My newest work, but might be my worse. It didn't turn out how I wanted and I might do back and remake it with another type of wood or screws. This one was just being a pain for some reason. The wood wanted to split, and one did that I had to remake one piece, and it just wanted to be a pain even though it wasn't that big. I make the butterfly house to attract butterflies. I would have done things for birds and bees, but I have a nephew and other friends with kids and butterflies aren't scary. I have already started some small plants in the back (coneflowers) of the big planter to attract butterflies and I will have a couple of other plants in the work and I might buy (butterfly weed) to help bring them in.

2nd Big Planter For Trailers

A planter box may not sound great to a lot of people, but just think that these wood use to be a old deck. So think of freecyling (IONLife channel term) or going green.

As the plants grow they will start to hide the trailers some, not 100% but just look better. The plant I have in it right now I started as seeds indoors and they can grow up to 15 ft tall.

Also with all the planters might keep people from trying to steal them. Trailers are valuable, but I have a trailer lock on 2 of the 3 and a thick chain attaching 2 of them. As soon as the plants start to grow it will really take shape.

It's looking better, slowly.

Moved Square Wooden Planter

I made this square wooden box planter and I had it out in front of the trailers. I decided to make another big 40x14x20 planter and moved this planter to the patio. I still don't know what type of rose bushes I have, but they are small and put out a pink/red roses through out the the summer and fall. So I moved them from the smaller pots that I had them in, originally had them on the patio wall that I made long planters to take it's place. Once I add some flowers around the bottom of the planter I think it will look better.

Square wooden planter (made from a old deck wood that I made the 2 big planters in front of trailers and the compost bin)

Patio now

Window Planters

The house was very plan and needed some more color/plants, so I decided to add some windows planters. I could have just bought some at Walmart or Lowes, but I couldn't find just the right length or the same color and type so that all the windows planters would be the same. So I decided to make some wood planters myself. I'm not the greatest wood worker, but I did ok. It took me a while to decide what design and color scheme to go with, but I finally got done with the window planters.

Started with some 1x3s

The smaller planters put together

Putting the bigger front window planters together

Bigger planters put together

Close up of the bigger planters

1st coat of paint. I decided to go with the same look & design as the window planter on the lumber in the front.

Before simple window

Before simple window

After (right window)

After (left window)

I have stapled a trash bag liner on all planters I made to keep the soil & water off the wood to help make them last longer.

After (new window planters)

Before side windows

After (new small planters-kitchen window)

After (new small planters-bedroom window)

They are award winning, but I think they add a little. A little here and a little there will add up.