Old Deck

all the wood stacked in my garage before building bin

Close up view

Th back did have a ton of brush an weeds that grew up the shed and all that is gone now and now the new compost bin. Here is the bin as I was making it

Finished, but still need to clean up the ground area but one small step first

Here is the sides up. It is abou 8 feet long, 4 feet tall, and about 4 feet wide.

Front view as I was making it

Angle view with the left side done. I made the front board sit on top of each other so when the compost is turned to dirt/compost then you can remove a board an get to the lower level easier. I got the idea from HGTV and other sites and tv shows like that.

Front View

Empty Box

Filled up with about 4 trash bag size bags and 2 pumpkins from Halloween. I will take a pic later hen it is done.

Amazing! You did a beautiful job with that old wood from my deck. I'm so glad it was put to good use. Wow! Kudos, sir!