Before (the branches from the pine cut I cut down a while back I put in the corner)

Before (the logs from the pine tree I cut behind the concrete black left over)

I pulled the little green trailer and put two pallets on the frame, just in case I need to slide the the branches off for some reason or slide them to a new spot.

After moving the logs and wood frame over where the branches were.

After moving the log rack i opens the area up a little

After moving the bigger logs over. It kind of makes a L shape, and some day I will ut a horseshoe pit in the middle

It looks better after moving everything around.

I went back and tilled up some area around the concrete because I am going to ad some wood around it and make a raised flower bed so you don't see the concrete block left over from a previous project. I didn't jack hammer the concrete block because electricity is ran to it an I'm not sure how and I don't want to cut any lines.

Looking better so far but not done

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