The back yard When I bought the house

Now some upgrades.
Before during winter
Before During winter
I added some small planters to te fence that I got at Dollar Tree. Also the tree in the picture was slowly dying and I was lucky enough that I was about to get NES to cut it down for free.
Tree gone really opens up the area
Then I had some extra lumber around and I decided to use a stair brace to make a planter. I cut it donw to the size I wanted and added a 2x4 to keep it together and help keep the grass from getting to the area.
Put in the conrer of the yard and added leaves and compost I had from the year before
I added a bamboo bush and two vines plants and the vines have taken over. You can barely see the 4ft bamboo bush that was 1 ft when I planted it.
Then I added mulch to the groun all the way around the outside and right now just the street side back side. Then I hit Lowe's off and on and got the $1-$2 plants on clearance and added some plants here and there. I added more color on the inside because that is what I see from the carport area.
View from the street side. I planted a bunch of blubs but they didn't do so good this year. So I was some plants on clearance and cleared them out by getting a bunch of rose type bushes that will or should cover the fence and be about 5-7 ft tall, I'll keep them trimmed. I also added some dwarf butterfly bushes along the neighbors driveway side. So hopefully next year the outside of the fence will be covered by the bushes.
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