I am going to put a light post near the back and right in the middle maybe put a box and fill it will gravel and put a container on the gravel and put a solar powered water fountain, just a small one nothing big. Then I can put plants all over the sides and let them flow over the other areas.
Before (just moved in)

Gtting the area cleaned up

New frame of planter

Just filed up with dirt and now I can start to think about what plants to put in it.

After getting 3.5 Tons of dirt (free from Craigslist) and filling up all the planters I have done so far, this is what is left. When I make the other planters I will use up all of this.

Two weeks ago I got a trailer full of mulch and filled up the two flower beds, extended the front flower bed and add the front flower bed around the trees.
4,000 lbs of mulch

Filled planter with mulch. Now you can't see the concrete.

Cleared the mulch out of the way and hand to hand out a couple of rough spots for the new light post.

Connected the electrial plug, that was designed to be on top of post but I moved it down closer to the bottom for easier access. Then I add the dusk to dawn sensor and added the light

Drilled holes in the concrete and added a post holed with anchors to the concrete. I still don't feel 100% with that post holder. It seems cheaply made. So When I finish the fire pit I will used some of the brick mortar to hold the light light up better and make it stronger.

Post light done. Now I just need to add plants.

I added the water fountain first and I was going to make it the main focus, but you couldn't hear the water from the patio unless it was quiet so i moved it and the plants took off.
After, this is the second try on the strawberries in the front and this time they are shooting everywhere.
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