First I built a planter the length of the area.

Then I cut some 1x2s from the bottom of the planter to the top of the garage door area.

I screwed them into the planter and into the garage wall so it wasn't free standing and fall over.

Then I cut the 1x2s to lengths so they could connect the post. That wayy it keeps everything square and gives the plants something to grow different directions. I thought going level across was to plain. So I decided to go up at a angle to give it a better look.

I glued the center parts together and put clamps on them for a couple of days so their wouldn't be a gap between the boards.

I like the design of the boards going up

I tried a couple of different vines and seemed to not be having to much luck. I think they weren't getting enough water because it is a little blocked by the top of the garage. So I came up with a idea to use rain for me. I saw a part where the house roof and the garage goof came together and was just running off onto the patio steps.
I went to Lowe's and got some plumbing connections to make a funnel for the water run off. I then had it attact some pvc pipe that I had it go behind the brick to the top of the garage door.
I ran the pipe the whole length of the garage door. I put a screw off plug at the end so if I needed to clean it out from the shingles run off. I then drilled a bunch of holes along the bottom of the pipe so it would drip down onto the trellis and the soil in the trellis so the plants would get watered when it rained. I made bigger holes on the side so if it rained real hard.
I planted morning glory's and they have been doing pretty good. Next year I will add more morning glory to really fill out the trellis.One day I would like to get a evergreen vine to color it.
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